
The TTMAG Story – Presentation on TTMAG at the 2016 CIGF in Belize.

The TTMAG Story (PDF)

About The TTMAG

Mission of the MAG

The purpose of the Trinidad and Tobago Multistakeholder Advisory Committee (TTMAG) is to be an independent entity for the promotion and development of best practice policy standards for the .tt country code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) and the local Internet ecosystem in the interest of the Internet Community with the following objectives:

  • To serve the needs of any specific, cohesive community of interest and the local Internet community in the context of Internet evolution particularly in education, Internet infrastructure development, Internet standards and experimentation, public policies and regulatory co-ordination regarding Internet content and services, and contributing to Internet governance;
  • promote activities consistent with .tt ccTLD’s role and purposes in Trinidad and Tobago
  • to generally encourage the above objectives through projects and initiatives to increase awareness and local participation
  • to represent the local Internet Community at conferences and meetings.
About The TTMAG

About the TTMAG

The Trinidad and Tobago Network Information Centre (TTNIC) manages the registration and maintenance of all domains that end in the .tt suffix.

The Trinidad and Tobago Multistakeholder Advisory Group (TTMAG) was formed out of consultations with Internet stakeholders on the .tt country code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) held by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago in 2009.  A Multistakeholder management model was preferred by most stakeholders, which subscribed to the General Principles of Internet Governance.  A Multistakeholer Advisory Group (MAG) was considered a fair and legitimate way to develop ccTLD policy. Given customer and stakeholder requests to update the .tt user experience, the MAG was also suggested as a way to have the TTNIC continue to focus on technical excellence, and have the MAG deal with marketing, policy and other less technical issues.

TTNIC discussed with many stakeholder organisations, and accepted volunteers to form the Interim MAG. The Interim MAG determined the initial structure and the terms of reference of the MAG, registered the company, and confirmed the stakeholder organisations participating,  towards forming the formal TTMAG.  The formal TTMAG was constituted in September 2015. Stakeholders included:

  • Government
  • Internet users
  • Academia
  • Technical community
  • Civil society
  • Business/SMEs